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 "Now... What to buy?"

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 7:32 am

It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two o'clock in the afternoon the pallor of a winter evening seemed to have closed upon the hills, cloaking them in mist.
Reizo slipped on some gloves and wrapped a black, woolen scarf around his neck as he opened his front door.
"See ya Gran! I'm just going to get some supplies ready for my next mission!" he shouted - now closing the door behind him and sprinting off into the dense fog. The water splashed in various directions as he ran through deep puddles that had formed overnight.
Eventually, he arrived at the Shopping District. The rain was still splashing down, drenching his medium-long hair.
"Now.. What do I need to buy again?" he thought to himself whilst reaching into his pocket trying to find a list he had written before leaving. A sudden sense of shock came over Reizo when he realised he had forgotten to slip the note into his pocket...
"Thats just great..."
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 7:39 am

Megumi happily skipped through the shopping district, enjoying the terrible weather. 'Ooooh he sky looks so pretty like this...' She thought to herself whilst gazing up. Her thoughts were cut off as she bumped into a young boy that stood infront of her. "Oh! I'm so sorry..I didn't see you there!" Megumi chirped, smiling at the young boy.
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 7:47 am

Reizo took a step back and looked at the young women.
"Uh.. Thats OK.. What are you doing out in the rain all by yourself? He questioned her whilst pulling up his gloves.
Reizo smiled at her, then peeked over her shoulder - all the shops seemed to be closed and cracks in the pavement had been flooded. Some of the shop windows had been smashed and the roofs of various buildings seemed to be damaged.
"Wow... What happened to this place?"
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 7:51 am

"Oh i'm just going for a walk.." Megumi stated still happily smiling at the young boy. "It was just a big storm, no-one was expecting it so there was a bit of damage...nothing to worry about really..." She looked around slightly on edge then looked back to the young boy a grin on her face. "Anyway, I do believe we've never met. Megumi Murakami." She chirped offering the boy a hand.
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:02 am

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Reizo Hyuuga." He smiled at her again. "Wait.. I think I've seen you before... Your that new Academy teacher right?"
He eyed Megumi up and down once more, realising she wasnt wearing 'proper' clothing for weather such as this. "Aren't you cold?" he continued.

The wind gusted faster than usual for about a second, staggering Reizo slightly. He maintained his balance impressively.
His scarf was already drenched - now realising that water was dripping down his neck, he removed it and slipped it into his bag.
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:05 am

Megumi leaned forwards slightly as the wind blew her but stayed perfectly still in her position. Her grin grew wider "Yeaaah I am..and no i'm not cold..I like being cold which seems to make the weather feel less cold. If you know what I mean.." Megumi said dreamily looking around, once again. "So anyway what brings you out here on such an awful day? Anything I can help you with?"
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:13 am

"Well.. I was going to restock on some equipment ready for a mission." His smile dropped to an un-impressed frown as he peered over her shoulder yet again. "Unfortunately, the shops are obviously not open... Is there anywhere else I could try?"
He took a coin from his coat pocket and flipped it into the air, it vanished into the dense fog and then came back down - landing perfectly on Reizo's palm, he covered the coin with his other hand. "Heads or tails?" He tried to test out her luck...
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:15 am

Megumi spun around and began walking away, heading for a broken shop window. "Heads!" She shouted whilst she clambered through the window being careful not to cut herself. "Come on boy!!"
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:21 am

Reizo revealed the coin... It was Heads.. He slipped the coin back into pocket and ran after Megumi.
Glass seemed to be scattered throughout the street and rags of clothes were caught in the nearby bushes from where the wind had blown them out from the clothing store opposite of where they were both standing.
"I'm coming... By the way... What happened to the old Academy teacher - Mr Shizimi?"
He avoided the scattered glass and stayed close behind Megumi...
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:24 am

Megumi lifted Reizo into the shop, making sure not to cut him and placed him down carefully. "He decided to give up his teaching job, and opened a shop." She answered giggling. She shook her head slightly and walked further into the centre of the shop they were in. "Well this is the best place for you to get your equiptment...go nuts! and don't worry I know the guy that owns this place, i'll pay him in the morning."
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:31 am

"Unlucky for him" He follwed the sentence with a chuckle. "Wow, are you sure? I have plenty of cash to pay for myself."
Various weaponry was stacked on shelves and a rather impressive looking katana was locked up in a glass cabinet - which had unusually taken no damage whatsoever...

Reizo picked up some black gloves - reinforced with light chainmail, some shurikens and a package from behind the counter...
The package had a tag attached to it with Reizo's name on it (He had ordered this a few days ago). He slipped everything into his bag.

"Thanks for this, I appreciate it.." He smiled at her yet again.
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:34 am

Megumi smiled back and cocked her head slightly. "Oh it's no bother at all...I like to help if I can." She closed her eyes and smiled sweetly at him before opening them and looking over to the katana. "It's so beautiful isn't it..."
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 8:41 am

"It sure is... I wouldnt mind a Katana like that for myself when I'm older.... Its rather large for me at this age. Could you use it if you wanted to? Or aren't you any good with Katanas?"

Reizo wiped the dripping from water away from his eyes and glared at the weapon a little longer. Its handle was black, with golden stripes and the blade was shiny steel. Reizo noticed that along the edge of the blade, something was inscribed in writing. He couldnt read it from where he was standing so he took a few steps forward.

"In the battle of existence, Talent is the punch; Tact is the clever footwork. "
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 10:03 am

Megumi giggled slightly and walked over to stand behind him. "I could use it...but 'm no-where near as good as people that actually use them in combat. I would have to train some more to be able to do any real damage with it." Megumi smiled to herself at the thought. " friend that owns this shop is very particular about that katana. He won't sell it to just anyone."
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 9:05 pm

"Thats a shame, I was hoping you could share a few tips in close quarters combat." Reizo turned around and looked back outside. The fog had started to clear up and the rain only showed up in minor drizzles every 5 seconds or so.
"Atleast the weathers starting to clear up..." Reizo shivered as the wind gusted in through the broken window. "I can finally get started on some training" He chuckled to himself, knowing that he was way ahead of his fellow genin students anyway.
Reizo placed out his hand to shake Megumi's and say goodbye...
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 11:22 pm

"Ha..just because I don't use katana doesn't mean I don't do close combat..." Megumi chuckled before shaking the young boys hand and hoping backwards onto the counter. She sat there kicking her legs and smiled at Reizo. "Have fun training!!"
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:05 am

Reizo waved goodbye to Megumi and walked out of the store. "She seems really nice..." he thought to himself. "Now... Where should I start training today?"
Reizo ran off down the street, splashing in the puddles carelessly doing so. After about 5 minutes of running, he came across the dojo. "Hmm... I think I'll take a break from the Dojo and focus on some Ninjutsu for a change"

Reizo headed towards the village gates - now taking a left out of the village and into the woodland...
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The Jester
The Jester

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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:08 am

(It appears we have exhausted this topic XD unles you wanna make a thread and have me like find you and help you train..)
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"Now... What to buy?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:10 am

(Yeh sure, you start this time Very Happy)
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PostSubject: Re: "Now... What to buy?"   "Now... What to buy?" Icon_minitime

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