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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:18 am

After her encounter with the young boy earlier, Megumi was in a great mood. The weather had cleared up and now the sun was shining, and the birds were singing. After Reizo had ran off out of the shop, Megumi has sat on the counter and waited for her friend to arrive. She had payed him the money for the things Reizo bought, stuck her tounge out and left his shop. Megumi had then strolled through the street once again gazing up at the sky, and didn't stop walking. Eventually she ended up at the village gates and decided to go for a walk out in the forest.
Once she was deeper into the woods Megumi moved up into the trees, without making a sound. 'I bet I get to see all sorts of cute little things from here!!' She thought to herself and squeeled. Megumi traveled silently though the trees grinning to herself at the birds songs. She stopped in her tracks when she heard a familiar voice, shouting things to himself, he seemed to be training. She perched herself on a branch of a tree overlooking the young boy and giggled to herself.
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:30 am

"Byakugan!" Reizo shouted, then opening his eyes instantly. His eyes were still in developement, It hadnt worked once again. "Argh! Why doesnt it work!?"
"Fine, I guess i'll just practice my taijutsu again..." he sighed.
Reizo slammed his hands together and shouted "Shadow Clone Jutsu!". Almost immediately, 7 perfect clones of himself appeared infront of him. (This was a particulary impressive amount for his age) The real Reizo took a step back and raised his fists into a defensive position. The clones charged and him with kunai in their hands.
"Hehehe... Bring it on..." He chuckled to himself whilst slamming his left hand into one of the clones chest...
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:36 am

Megumi giggled to herself quite impressed by the young boy. She cocked her head as she watched him smash through each of his shadow clones one by one. 'Hmmm...maybe I should go help him..' she thought to herself. 'Afterall practice against someone you've never faught is harder than fighting yourself..'
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:41 am

"Now for some target practice..." He said whilst pulling out 4 shuriken - 2 in each hand. Reizo let them rip through the air towards the nearby trees. When the first 2 shurikens hit their target, the other 2 slammed into them, pushing the shurikens further into the bark of the tree. Reizo smiled, quite impressed with himself.

The sound of rustling in the trees opposite drew Reizo's attention to them. Was somebody there?
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:44 am

Megumi collected Rezio's shuriken from the trees and jumped down behind him, pretty sure he didn't have a clue. She bent down slightly, closer to his ear level and put her arm over his head. "Ahhh we meet again..." She chuckled dropping the suriken to the floor in front of him.
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:50 am

Reizo could of sworn the sound came from the opposite direction but considering that he knew who it was now, it didnt really matter. "Huh? Oh thanks alot Miss Megumi..." He turned around and smiled at her. "Can't get enough of me today huh?" He laughed at his almost-funny joke.

"So you wanna help me train, I could use a partner... Nobody else will bother training with me..." His smile dropped to a frown.
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:55 am

"AWWW sure kid!!" Megumi said chuckling slightly. "Just let me know what you were planning on doing and i'll help..or maybe if you wanna learn something new I could do that too!" She grinned at the young boy and ruffled his hair.
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 12:59 am

(Double posted ?? XD)

"Well, I could use a new technique... My old ones are getting boring now.... The only problem being - I have no idea what my element is for Ninjutsu..." He took another breath before carrying on.
"Unless you know some Taijutsu?"

Reizo sat down on a tree stump nearby and tossed Megumi an apple from his bag. "Before we get started, is it ok if I have a quick snack?"
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:01 am

Megumi caught the apple and smiled to herself. "Of course it is..and I know sure I know Thaijutsu..but maybe you could do with some elemental jutsu...I always find them to be the most fun." She said a slighlt smirk appearing on her face. She took a bite from the apple and sat down where she stood.

(Not entirely sure how that happened Smile I've deleted it now anyway :3)
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:09 am

Reizo took a rather large bite out of his sandwitch - following with a small swig of his water. "Right, Lets do it.." He smirked back at her.

Reizo finished off his sandwitch and drink, then popped his bag onto the stump so he could get out his newly aquired gloves. He slipped them on - They were quite heavy, so he lifted his wrist up and down to get used to the weight of them.

"You sure are nice Megumi, I wish everybody was like you..."
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:12 am

"Awww are people not nice?!!?" Megumi asked in shock. "You seem lovely I can't understand why people wouldnt be nice to you..." As she spoke Megumi reached into her weapon holster and pulled out some little peices of paper.
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:18 am

"My Teacher says I work better alone... So I wasnt put into a team... But I suppose if I'm going to work for ANBU when I'm older, I'll have to get used to it..." He sighed and stared at the pieces of paper Megumi had just taken out from her pocket. "What are those for?" he asked in curiosity.

Reizo brushed back his hair, which had now started to dry off...
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:27 am

"Ahh...well you'll just have to learn your strenghs then find some people that go well with them." Megumi stated a smile on her face. She stood up and handed Rezio one of the peices of paper. "They determine what element your natural chakra is...see my natural element is wind.." Megumi ran chakra through the peice of paper, and as she did the paper split in two. "..and that how we can tell. All you need to do is run some of your chakra through the paper and we'll see what happens!"
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:33 am

Reizo took a piece of paper from Megumi and stared at it for a while. "Wow, it can really do that?" Reizo held the piece of paper firmly and ran chakra through his fingers and then through the paper. The paper crumbled up and fell to the floor. "Oh no... Did I do it wrong? Was that suppose to happen?" Reizo became embarrased and his cheeks turned red, how could he do such a simple thing wrong? (Ofcourse he hadn't, but he didnt know that).

Reizo sighed and waited for Megumi to answer...
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:36 am

Megumi giggled "It appears you have earth type charka..." She smirked slightly and chuckled "luckily for you I've been practicing some earth type jutsu. None of them are really perfected yet but they're getting there. I gues this can be training for both of us huh?"
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:46 am

"You have 2 elements... Wow, you must be a really awesome Shinobi!" He looked up to her in awe. "Earth element huh? Sounds cool. Which handsigns do I need to use?"
Reizo began to get overwhelmed by the idea of having a cool, new technique to show off to his teacher.
"It'll also come in handy for my next mission!" He smirked at Megumi and jogged on the spot impatiently.
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 1:55 am

"Well if I manage to learn Earth it'll be three..." Megumi mummbled. " You see wind is my natual element and fire is one of my secondary. I decided to perfect that one first because wind and fire go together well. My fathers family has many shinboi who belong to the earth element, hence I should be able to use it with ease too. I've yet to do so though." Megumi giggled and began forming hand signs. "You should find this easier than me since this is your element but hey, lets give it a go." Megumi picked out another peice of paper and ran chakra through it. It turned to dirt and crumbled the same as when Reizo did it. "Cool..ok Reizo, first things first, if you use elemental charka even in normal combat...for instance punching a tree...the punch becomes we should try to get you doing that."
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 2:03 am

"Ok, I think I'll be able to do that. Just tell me how and i'll give it a shot!" he smiled to himself. He raised his fists to a fighting position and walked over with Megumi towards another tree nearby. "Ok, lets use this tree... It looks sturdy enough...".
The songs of birds grew louder as the wind got quieter. The sound of frogs croaking could be heard in the nearby pond.
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 4:57 am

"Well...i'm not sure what you already we'll start with the very basics. I'm gonna show you how to use chakra to enhance your strengh." Megumi formed a hand sign then swiftly punched the tree leaving a very large dent. "See because i'd sent chakra to my hand it improves the's a bit like walking up the tree which i'm sure you've already done." Megumi smiled at the young boy and stepped back from the tree. "Have you already done this before?...if you haven't I suggest you give it a go."
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 6:35 am

"Unfortunately I haven't done this before... Lets give it a shot..." Reizo clenched his fists and threw a punch towards the tree, trying to pump chakra through his hands at the point of impact. The tree was damaged more than a normal punch would of done but only a small dent remained. "Argh, Its harder than it looks!" he tried the procedure again, this time flowing a slightly more faster wave of chakra through his hands. On the point of impact, Reizo shuddered backwards. "Darn... To much that time..."
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 6:44 am

Megumi giggled slightly. "There's almost never a time when you're using too much chakra to punch through just depends on what you're going for. Let's make your aim to punch a dent the same size as the one I made, ay?" She smiled at the boy and sat down on the ground next to him. "What you need to do is build up the chakra in your hand before you punch then it'll all go through into the tree."
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 7:01 am

"Oh... I understand now. Thanks." Reizo actually admitted he had done something wrong for once. He closed his eyes and concentrated a rather supplimental amount of chakra into his left hand - then releasing a powerful blow towards the tree. The ground shook slightly as the tree took impact.
Reizo opened his eyes to see his results. The tree had a huge dent, but not as large as Megumi's was. Reizo smiled and look at Megumi... "I did it! Thank you so much!"
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 7:08 am

"No problem kiddo" Megumi grinned and shook her whole body slightly. "That's what i'm here for. Ok..ok..we should move onto the elemental stuff..With practice you could make that dent bigger but you can do that on your own. Right. Well you're element is the jutsu with that is generally hard imagine your chakra being like this hard substance you'd create if you were doing a jutsu. Keep doing that and punching the tree it shoudl cause more of an impact because the chakra flowing out will be harder." Megumi chirped happily, in a good mood because Reizo was doing so well. "Don't worry about how hard your punching. Keep the force you use consisnt. That way we can tell how good you're doing with producing elemental chakra, and don't worry if it takes a while. It's a hard process...even for jounin."
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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 7:57 am

Reizo nodded and took in all of the information Megumi had given him. "Right, I'll try my best!". Reizo closed his eyes again and started to flow his chakra to his hands, then he imagined his Chakra was a hard substance, like rock or crystal. He didnt feel ready straight away, but after a few minutes of concentrating he unleashed five, swift blows at the tree.
The tree was evidently in a really bad condition. When he opened his eyes - he realised that the dent he had created was much larger than Megumi's and had even started to bend the tree backwards a little. "Did I just do that?" He questioned her in a curious sort of voice. His eyes widened as he realised that the damage he had done to the tree was astronomical for his age.
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: What A Coincidence...   What A Coincidence... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 8:06 am

Megumi laughed "Indeed you did. You could do a lot worse with a bit of practice." Megumi glanced over at the tree and raised an eyebrow. She stood up and pushed Reizo a few metres backwards. "That tree's no longer safe. Stay here.." Megumi then positioned herself behind the tree and with one swift punch sent the tree toppling over. "Now it won't fall on anyone!! Oh...I should have let you do that for practice shouldn't I...? Oh well."
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