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 Training Session; Reizo and Megumi

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeMon May 17, 2010 7:11 am

After about ten minutes of walking, Reizo and Megumi arrived at the Kiri Battle Grounds.

"Well, I guess this is it, huh?" Reizo stated. "Wanna get started straight away or are you gonna lecture me on something first? Either way, Its still training right? So I guess its up to you..."
Reizo sat down on the floor, still eager in what she has to say. After all, nearly everything she has said to him so far has been either kind or interesting.

Reizo tied a belt, fully equipped with Kunai, Shuriken and Needles around his waist and took off his jacket - now shoving it into the bag. "Well, I'm ready when you are..."
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeMon May 17, 2010 8:58 pm

Megumi chuckled. "Hmm..Well on the way here i've had some thoughts on what I could teach you. Because as I said you need a trump card. So while I was thinking, I realised that you couldn't take this man on, as skilled as you may be. It would just be dangerous. So the best thing for you to do would be if you want to, I want to teach you the earth barrier jutsu. This way you can hide there until someone comes to help you. As earth is your element it should be slightly easier for you to learn this that it was for me." Megumi shuffled around on the spot, waiting for Reizo to answer.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeTue May 18, 2010 2:15 am

Reizo grunted as Megumi told him he would have to hide. "Seriously? I think I could take him if I learnt a few attacks. What good is hiding going to do if his element is Lightning?" Reizo looked up at the sky. "If only I had my Byakugan... Then things would be pretty interesting...". He looked at Megumi as he tightened the last buckle on his belt.
"Although the Earth Barrier technique was rather cool, I think we should save it for another time... That is unless you demand I learn it..."

It was getting cold, so Reizo wrapped his red scarf around his neck.
"Well... I'm not in charge here, you are... That was just my opinion, sorry..." Reizo raised his fists infront of his face and punched the air a few times. "Sooo...What do 'ya think?"
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeTue May 18, 2010 6:05 am

Megumi chuckled slightly "You coudln't take him..don't let cockiness become your weakness. If you don't wish to learn it, then i'm fine with that..give me an idea of what you'd like to do and i'll see what I can come up with."
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeTue May 18, 2010 6:50 am

(I know this is kinda random but - How are you? xD)

"Well, some Taijutsu would be great considering my Byakugan will awaken in a couple of weeks. Plus Taijutsu is my specialty!" Reizo said confidently as he tied some new bandages around his wrists - very similar to the way Rock Lee does.
"When it comes to Taijutsu, Im even a hard match for Jonin's!" He said in a sort of bragging tone - even though it was completely true.
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 10:39 pm

(I'm fine thanks XD you? and I don't mean to be nasty, but you're being slightly op...)

Megumi grumbled slightly. "Reizo...i've told you...stop being so cocky. It'll get you into serious trouble one day...But if you wanna learn some Taijutsu then fine...But I'm not sure if I can teach you the way another Hyuuga would. After all the Hyuuga's used gentle palm Taijutsu, wheveas I used normal Taijutsu." Megumi decided to sit down on the floor. "If you kind of already know the gentle palm style I suggest you practice the technique on a tree, making sure to hit the same spot's each time, with perfect if you were hitting chakra points."
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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 2:07 am

(Omg, I'm so sorry. I just read back at everything I've written. I'm such an idiot. Sad)

"Well, now that I've thought about it. I cant exactly train my Gentle Palm technique any further until my Byakugan kicks in. Oh, I'm sorry about moaning on about it aswell." Reizo's confident smile dropped to an unimpressed frown. He shrugged his shoulders and brushed back his hair. "Right...So where do I start?"
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 2:22 am

(Awww don't say that :O you're not an idiot :O just tone down slightly on the awesomeness :3)

Megumi suddenly felt kind of upset. "Aww of course you can. Look.." Megumi continued whilst standing up and walking over to a tree, pulling out a kunai. She stabbed the tree in several different places aking sure to leave a mark. "Right, Reizo..I'd like you to pratice your gentle palm by precisely hitting each of these points in succesion. If you can do that with ease, then I can't help you with that anymore..and i'll teach you some ninjutsu. Or possibly genjutsu.." Megumi said trailing off slightly.
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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeSun May 23, 2010 9:33 am

Reizo nodded his head and started to concentrate his chakra to the precise points in his fingers - then blasting away swiftly at the points megumi had indicated, trying not to miss a single point. As time passed by, the holes dug deeper into the tree, until finally, the tree became un-usable. He had improved alot by the time he had finished. His chakra control was now slightly better aswell.

"Hmph... Now what?" He looked over to where Megumi was with a cheeky grin.
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 1:22 am

Megumi giggled sitting down on the floor again and pulling her bag next to her. Patting the floor in front of her bag she smiled at Reizo. "Come sit down. We don't want to wear you out so we'll have a spot of lunch." Smiling to herself Megumi began pulling various foods out of her bag, that she had made before leaving Ryuu's.
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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 6:27 am

Reizo sat down next to Megumi and took a sandwitch from her bag and also some miso soup. It was fantastic. "Hey, I didnt know you were a good cook..." he took another bite. "...Geesh whatsh your reshipe?" He finished the sandwitch in seconds and then went to grab another one, but realising that he should offer the last one to Megumi herself first.
"Im sorry, did you want that one?"
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 4:58 am

Megumi giggled shaking her head. "No, no it's go ahead." She said before taking a bite out of an apple. "Hmm I didn't know I was a good cook...I just cook a lot? Maybe that helps. Well let me know when you;re done eating and we can get started on something."
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 2:22 am

Reizo soon finished the wonderful dish of food, now that was out of the way, he nodded at Megumi and stood up. "Thanks for the food, it was great.".
"Right, so you wanna teach me something new or should I carry on doing what I was practicing before?" He asked as he took about 10 shuriken from his bag, now placing them on the floor - nicely assorted infront of him.

Last edited by Kakashi on Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 4:17 am

(Upcoming? they're nearly over...xD)

Megumi placed the rubish away in her bag and jumped up happily. "We're gonna do something completely new! What I got when that guy was there, was that he's mainly going to be a nin- and thai jutsu fighter. So I was thinking it would be good to teach you some genjutsu so then as your trump can confuse the life out of him until someone comes to help."
Megumi dragged Reizo over to where she was excitedly and grinned at him. "When you aren't too used to genjutsu you may have to actually touch the person to infiltrate their chakra flow. It shouldn't be too hard...just punch him and flow chakra into his managed to punch before, you can do it again!" Megumi dragged Reizo over to big rock and had him sit on it, her sitting opposite. She touched his shouler and began concentrating. They both entered the world of genjutsu. "Right...with genjutsu, you have to imagine what you want to happen in the world you create..and focus, if you do it well the other person feels like its happening!"
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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 7:33 am

(I got 3 more science exams to do before the summer where I live. xD Anyway, hows you?)

Reizo's face was somewhat confused, yet he knew what to do, so it wasnt any trouble at all... Or so he thought it wouldnt be...
"Right, so you want me to think of something and then it will happen? What should I think of? Something horrible or something nice?" His mind was overflowing with questions. "How does it work? Why do I have to punch him to make it work?"
He sighed deeply afterwards. "So many questions... So little time..."
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The Jester
The Jester

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PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 12:00 am

(I've got 3 exams left, but i'm done science :3 I'm just dandy thanks XD you?)

Megumi giggled and made the world around them become sureal. It seemed as though they were floating on thin air, surrounded by swirls of colours. "Well my friend, at the moment you are under my genjutu. So you cannot do anything to me! What you have to do is try and get out of it..." Megumi made herself move well away from Reizo and waved at him. "Now depending on the should think of the surrounding area, and as if a fight is actually happening. This way you can lead him to believe he is winning. Then when he's about to take a killing blow, change the surroundings." Whilst saying this Megumi changed things so they sat back in the forest on the rock. "See none of this is real...constantly changing things and making them seems dangerous, confuses the apponent and makes them panic. Especially if they are not a genjutsu user. You have to punch him an fuse your chakra into his doing that you can infiltrate his senses like im doing to you...understand?" She giggled and smiled at him. "Now, little man, I would like you to stop the flow of chakra, then forcefully start it again and release the genjutsu. Then you can practice!"
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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 9:42 pm

(Cant help but of noticed that you have turned the Moderator colour to blue and the administrator colour to pale orange. Any reason for this, just curious :3. Im fine thanks Very Happy)

Reizo still looked puzzled, but his face was now less confused looking that it was just minutes earlier. He took out his book and flicked open the first few pages and read a paragraph out loud:

"Most genjutsu affects the five senses, though other applications of genjutsu exist. Those under the influence of genjutsu either freeze in place or lose consciousness, depending on how capable they are in recognizing and defending against it. A genjutsu can be broken in one of three ways. The first is "genjutsu cancel", a disruption of the victim's chakra flow either by themselves or their allies. Pain that is not a result of the genjutsu, such as stabbing oneself, is a second method of countering genjutsu. Finally, if the caster of the genjutsu loses focus for whatever reason, the jutsu will end and the victim is freed"

Reizo suddenly realised how easy freeing yourself from a Genjutsu can be... If you know how that is.
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 2:40 am

(I wanted my name to be orange? XD and goooood Smile)

"Megumi chuckled once again, "Yeah...thats what I said.." She laughed knowing she wasnt exactly being textbook clear. She smiled at Reizo and cocked her head. "So then...get to work trying to break this genjutsu!"
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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 1:48 am

Reizo closed his eyes and concentrated the flow of his chakra to stop, it was harder than he thought it would be, but eventually his chakra came to a halt. The world around him merged with reality as he was released from the genjutsu.
He took a deep breath as the flow of chakra once again rushed through his body. "Thats so wierd... It feels strange when that happens." he eyes were of a puzzled state as he stood back up. Megumi was standing infront of him a few hundred yards ahead.
"So... You gonna teach me anything else? Or should we call it a day? Oh, and thanks by the way." he smiled as he scratched the back of his head.
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 2:48 am

Megumi chuckled and cocked her head. "You have to practice genjutsu on me, silly. You need to be able to use it againt people, not just get out of it. If you have a knack for it, it will be useful to you."
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PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 6:04 am

"Ah yeh, I knew that..." Reizo scratched the back of his head. "So uh... This is the hand sign right?" he placed his hands in the correct position. "What do I have to do now?" Reizo wasnt too sure on the basics of using genjutsu himself...
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2010 11:24 pm

Megumi smiled to herself, then at Reizo. "Well you have to fuse your chakra with mine, then you'll be able to control what i see and feel, in a way." Chuckling slightly she began tlaking again, "When slightly more skilled with chakra control and genjutsu in general you wont need to make contact with the other person to fuse your chakra, but for now you can just touch my arm or something, or in combat punch the person, and flow your chakra to them."

(Sorry i kinda went away XD)
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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 6:07 pm

Reizo walked up to Megumi and placed his hand on her arm - now channeling his own chakra into her's, it fused. Reizo concentrated as he did so and imagined the world around him turning dark and cold, surprisingly enough, it happened. A huge blur dainted out the sun and Reizo hid himself amongst the darkness. His voice echoed loudly, from all directions.
"I think it worked, right?"
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The Jester
The Jester

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Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training Session; Reizo and Megumi   Training Session; Reizo and Megumi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2010 1:27 am

Megumi, trapped in the genjutsu, felt as though she stood alone in the darkness. "Hehehe, well done Mr Hyuuga. You seem to have gotten the hang of it. Now, if you feel up to it, i'd like you to simulate a fight happening between us. This would be the best way to trick a stronger apponant, make them think they're winning by showing them that. Then attack in the real world...but don't actually attack me..hehehe"
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